It's now 31st March 2011 at 10:48pm and another 12 Hours 09 Minutes Left Now!! Still on the countdown for the launch on another one of the latest local web production for the skateboarding & other extreme scene in Malaysia. Slow Mo TV is what it is, and as what i've found out from Man Extras' blog, www.manextra.blogspot.com, as usual the aim for these things are always about pushing up the local scene in Malaysia. All about promoting skateboarding, BMX & inline thru the aspects of events & competitions, trick tips, interviews & many more. I'd have to say the uprise on promoting the locals with this way is very good, cause this will definitely bring up all the scene and happening here in Malaysia.
Check out their latest promo/teaser :
Slowmo tv.com promo 4 (aggressive inline) from Slowmo tv.com on Vimeo.
Well for more infos and videos from SLOW MO TV, you guys could check out their website www.slowmotv.com or you could "LIKE" them up at their Facebook Like Page at "SLOW MO TV"
So that's all from me, Cheers ya'll!
- Mark Ak.